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Match the "network server to the protocol and port it uses."
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):DHCP operates over UDP ports 67 and 68. Port 67 is used by the DHCP server to listen for client requests, and port 68 is used by the DHCP client. This allows devices to automatically receive IP addresses and other network configuration details on a network, essential for automating IP management. [Referenced from multiple sources on network fundamentals] SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):SMTP uses TCP port 25 for sending emails from client to server or between mail servers. SMTP is integral for email transmission, allowing efficient communication across mail servers within and outside organizational networks. [Referenced in standard protocols documentation in network management guides] DNS (Domain Name System):DNS typically runs on UDP port 53 for standard queries, with TCP/53 used for zone transfers and other larger requests. DNS is critical for resolving human-readable domain names into IP addresses, which allows users to connect to websites using easily remembered names rather than numerical IP addresses. [Foundational knowledge as detailed in network security and management resources] HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure):HTTPS, an encrypted version of HTTP,operates on TCP port 443. It provides secure communication over the internet by encrypting data between the client and server using SSL/TLS, protecting data integrity and privacy. [Security essentials for network communications as found in secure web traffic documentation] HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol):HTTP operates on TCP port 80 and is used for unencrypted web traffic. HTTP is the foundation of data exchange on the World Wide Web, supporting basic client-server interactions for retrieving resources from the web. [Basic networking knowledge referenced across multiple network essentials texts]
To accurately detect applications over an HTTPS connection with Application Control, you must enable content inspection in the HTTPS proxy.
Answer: B
For Application Control to accurately detect and manage applications over HTTPS connections, content inspection must be enabled in the HTTPS proxy. This is because HTTPS encrypts application traffic, making it unreadable without decryption. By enabling content inspection, the HTTPS proxy can inspect and classify the application traffic within HTTPS sessions, allowing Application Control to function effectively on secure connections.
In a Mobile VPN configuration, why would you choose default-route (full tunnel) VPN instead of split tunnel VPN? (Select one.)
Answer: E
In a Mobile VPN setup, adefault-route (full tunnel)VPN routes all of a remote user's internet traffic through the VPN tunnel to the Firebox. This configuration allows the Firebox to inspect and apply security policies to all traffic, including traffic that is not destined for internal network resources. In contrast, asplit tunnel VPN would route only traffic meant for the internal network through the VPN, while internet-bound traffic would bypass the Firebox, potentially exposing it to threats and limiting the Firebox's ability to inspect all traffic.
You lost access to a Firebox because no one knows the administrator passphrase. How can you regain access to the Firebox? (Select one.)
Answer: A
If the administrator passphrase is lost:
* Option A: Resetting the Firebox to factory defaults is the recommended solution to regain access, as it clears the current configurations, including the admin passphrase, allowing reconfiguration from scratch.
* Option B(USB reset utility) andOption E(console cable reset) are not standard options for passphrase recovery on Firebox.
* Option C(Calling WatchGuard Support) cannot directly reset the passphrase.
* Option D(Restoring a backup) requires access to the device with the current passphrase.
You bought a new Firebox and want to use the configuration from an existing Firebox you already configured. The best way to migrate the configuration is to restore a backup image from the existing Firebox to the new Firebox, then add the new feature key.
Answer: B
When migrating configurations from one Firebox to another, restoring a backup image from the existing Firebox to the new one is a valid and efficient method. This approach will transfer all configuration settings, policies, and security settings to the new Firebox. After restoring the backup, you need to add the new feature key specific to the new Firebox, as feature keys are unique to each device. This method preserves the existing configurations while adapting the setup for the new hardware.
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